About us
Eagle Eye® Solutions Ltd.
It all started with a purely biological enzyme against algae, moss, mold and lichen. With our BioClean we got more and more orders on buildings and roofs. Small single-family houses were no problem, because we could work with a special spray lance that we could extend up to 11 meters. But what about very high roofs or buildings like churches? That's when we came up with the idea of spraying these objects with a spray drone.
In the meantime, our customers include not only private customers, but also well-known large companies. Their PV systems, roofs and facades are treated with our aerial BioClean.
With Eagle Eye® Solutions GmbH you have a competent partner with whom you can also execute low-cost orders quickly and professionally.
Own development:
In the meantime, we have developed our own underload system for drones and have also patented it. This system can be individually adapted to each drone.
In year 2022, we have started to deploy a diving drone. With this diving robot we are able to perform various underwater works such as inspections, archaeological support, diver escort or salvage.
Anfang 2024 haben wir uns vom Luftfahrtgeschäft zurückgezogen und alles verkauft. Lediglich die eigene Flughelferschulung für Drohnen mit Unterlast führen wir noch weiter.
Im September 2024 haben wir uns nochmals erweitert. Wir Arbeiten mit drei eigenen Labels:
- Depp Dive /Tauchdrohnen Einsätze
- HWS / mobile Hochwasserschutzwände
- Academy/Schulungen für FHAB und FH
HWS steht für mobile Hochwasserschutzwände für private, Kommunen und Industrie. Für dieses neue Label haben wir eine eigene Web-Seite gemacht.
Academy steht für Sicherheitsschulungen für FHAB (Fahrbare Hubarbeitsbühnen) als Bediener, Einweiser und PSAgA. Flughelferausbildung für Unterlastflüge mit Drohnen.