Everything is constantly changing. This is also the case with us.
Continuously new news about us.
September 2024
The ‘Tethys One’ is ready
As a cooperation partner and operator of the ETH start-up Tethys Robotics, we are looking forward to the new challenges and missions with the ‘Tethys One’. It is the world's most modern diving drone with a diving depth of up to 300 metres. Equipped with numerous sensors, sonar and special cameras, it explores the underwater world in a completely new way.
November 2023
New air transport operator
Eagle Eye Solution GmbH has now completely withdrawn from operational aviation. We were able to find a young, dynamic team that is committed to the further development of air transport with drones.
We will shortly be announcing here who will continue to develop the air transport.
November 2023
Withdrawal from the operational aviation business
Sale of the entire underload transport equipment
The opportunity to enter a new business segment.
For health reasons, we are withdrawing from the operational aviation business.
October 2023
„Deep Dive“
Eagle Eye Solutions GmbH is breaking new ground.
Since June 2022, we have already reorientated ourselves. Drones are not only in the air, but also in the water.
Eagel Eye Solutions „Deep Dive“ is the name of our new department.
Unterwasserarbeiten mit unserer Tauchdrohne „Sea-Claw“ ermöglicht uns Inspektionen, Vermessung, Suche und Bergung, Tauchbegleitungen, Unterwasser- Fotoshooting, Photogrammmetrie, Ground-Mapping, 3D-Modeling etc.
Wir freuen uns auf die neue Partnerschaft mit Tethys-Robotics (Start-Up ETH Zürich) mit der Zusammenarbeit und als Operator.
Juli 2023 (R.I.P)
Wir nehmen Abschied
Unser Tauchdrohnen Pilot und Leinenführer Stephan Christian Künzli ist am 27.07.2023 im Alter von 60 Jahren unerwartet verstorben.
Wir waren nicht nur Kollegen, sondern auch Freunde. Wenn ich seine lebensfrohe Art mit einigen Worten beschreiben müsste, dann wären “hilfsbereit”, “zuvorkommend”, “verlässlich” und “liebevoll” genau die Worte, die ihn in seinem Leben auszeichneten.
Seine letzte Fahrt fand traditionell am 04.08.2023 als «Fährimaa» mit Seebestattung statt.
Unser allerherzlichstes Beileid und tiefstes Mitgefühl gelten der Familie.
Das ganze Team von Eagle Eye Solutions nimmt Abschied. Stephan du wirst uns immer in guter Erinnerung bleiben.
April 2023 (Pionier Projekt)
Eagle Eye® Solutions hat am 27.04.2023 gemeinsam mit der Firma Hälg&Co. AG den weltweit ersten Versuch gestartet, die neuen Monoblockfilter mittels einer Lastendrohne auf ein Gebäude zu fliegen und die verbrauchten Filter wieder hinunter. Diese Art des Filterwechsels ist wesentlich effizienter und auch gesünder für die Mitarbeiter. Der Feinstaub der gebrauchten Filter ist gesundheitsschädlich und kann Langzeitschäden verursachen.
Der Versuch hat alle restlos begeistert und auch überzeugt.
mehr unter….
February 2023
New partnership with HEXAPILOTS® from Dresden. This cooperation is based on exchange, support for pre-line flights with drones in Switzerland and Southern Germany.
August 2022 (Pionier Projekt)
On 31.08.2022 Eagle Eye Solutions was the first company to receive the operating license for flights over 30 kg from the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA). Now we can use our self-developed and FOCA-approved underload system "Trans-Fly" according to SORA throughout Switzerland legally and independent of location.
A new era has begun.
June 2022
Diving drone "Sea-Claw
We are the first in Switzerland to use this diving drone.
We are breaking completely new ground with this. Drones do not only exist in the air, but also in the element water. Eagle Eye®Solutions now has a professional diving drone. Various underwater operations are possible. Whether search and recovery, inspections, surveys, support for diving operations, environmental protection, research and archaeology, etc..
A big thank you goes to the indoor swimming pool Männedorf, which made it possible for us to fly and train in the diving tower pool (before opening hours) each time.
April 2022
Our new team member: Nathanel Apter (formerly FOCA)
We are especially proud to have him on our team. Our Quality Compliance Manager.
Thanks to his efforts, we are now the first company in Switzerland in possession of an operating license (31.08.2022) and may legally perform drone flights over 30 kg. Underload flights or claw missions can now be flown.
He was with the FOCA for 3 years and handled SORA applications among other things. He is a luminary in drone flying. In the meantime he has founded his own company. creates all necessary documents for an operating license in Switzerland or abroad.
June 2021
From today 30.06.2021 we are no longer called Eagle Eye Multicopter Service GmbH, because we have adopted the name of our own label.
Eagle Eye Solutions GmbH
June 2021
We are now official partners and jointly develop underload systems for drones. All products are CE and EASA Part1 certified.
A&H AirWork Heliseilerei is one of the leading specialist companies for underload systems or rescue systems for helicopters in Europe.