
PV module cleaning without mechanical action

Unfortunately, new laws will apply from 01.01.2023. Bio-enzymes fall under the chemicals law. For this reason, applications may no longer be made with drones. PV modules may only be treated with backpack sprayers.

Until 2021, we were still allowed to treat PV systems on the roofs of the stores for LIDL Schweiz AG.

Without chemistry....nature works for you

Roofs, garden seating areas, balconies, pv modules, conservatory roofing, etc.



Bird droppings

Bird droppings have always been a big problem. With BioClean this is a thing of the past. One of the enzymes contained in BioClean breaks down the protein proteins so that the bird droppings can no longer harden and are washed away the very next time it rains. Glass, concrete, wood, stone, marble, Plexiglas, it does not matter on which surface the bird droppings are. Already after a short time the bird droppings are permanently removed and the surface has to be treated again with BioClean only after approx. 2-3 years.

Whether in the city or in the country, everywhere there are these legacies of crows, pigeons, seagulls and other birds. BioClean can be sprayed on all surfaces and is also effective against mold, algae and lichen. The bird droppings can either be removed immediately with BioClean or you can let nature work for you.

Use with BioClean.

The use of our bio-cleaner "BioClean" cleans your facade, roof or PV system in a natural way. Mechanical cleaning is not necessary. The use of BioClean is cost-effective. There is no need for scaffolding or the expensive use of a sky-worker. No damage to the environment or long standing times of the scaffold.

The bio-cleaner works independently and decomposes the organic soiling in a natural way. The rest is done by the rain. After about 4-10 months, depending on the degree of pollution, all residues are removed and there will be no new pollution of this kind for about 3 years.

BioClean is completely non-toxic to humans, animals and plants.

The use with BioClean is approved by Bio Swiss, FIBL, BAFU and the BAG.

Bird droppings and green algae on granite and sandstone

BeFORE (Cloister Column Fraumünster Zurich 2019)

The column in the cloister was heavily algalized and soiled with bird droppings. The floor was also covered with algae up to 2 meters from the column.

We sprayed everything with BioClean and worked it in with a brush after about 10 min.

After (After 48 hours)

After 48 hours everything was sprayed with a hose (without nozzle). The algae disappeared and so did the bird droppings. The bio-cleaner splits the protein molecules of the bird droppings and softens them so that they are washed away by the rain.

The light spots on the bottom show that the algae are gone.

Day of application without washing.

After approx. 6 months of action (enzymes are active only during 6°C - 26°C, in the rest of the time they are inactive)

Day of application followed by washing of the floor and another treatment with BioClean.

After approx. 6 months of action (enzymes are active only during 6°C - 26°C, in the rest of the time they are inactive)

Villa in Meilen spring 2022

Floor and sandstone treatment against moss and green algae and mold in three operations.

  1. Spray on BioClean liberally and leave to act for at least 30-45 minutes.
  1. Gentle cleaning with special spray head with pressure reduction (without surface enlargement).
  1. Spray on BioClean Cleaner with special spray head as a foam mixture (Foam) and allow to dry.

Facades cleaning 2022

MFH Herrliberg

Facade and stair cleaning against moss and green algae as well as mold in three operations with special cleaning head.

  1. Spray on BioClean cleaner with special head as a foam mixture (Foam) and allow to dry.
  2. Spray on BioClean liberally and leave to act for at least 30-45 minutes.
  3. Gentle cleaning with special spray head with pressure reduction (without surface enlargement).

Any spots that are still slightly green will also disappear over time. The customer saved several thousand francs for painting the facade.

Facades cleaning 2022

EFH Schwerzenbach


Facade cleaning against moss and green algae as well as mold in three operations with special cleaning head.

  1. Spray on BioClean liberally and leave to act for at least 30-45 minutes.
  1. Gentle cleaning with special spray head with pressure reduction (without surface enlargement).
  1. In addition, spray on BioClean Cleaner with special head as a foam mixture (Foam) intensively and allow to dry.